Blogger Templates by Blogcrowds

Hey guys this is coolio317 and I know you are probaly wondering what happened to me. Well the truth is nothing happened to me except me and my family went on vacation. LOL!

So anyways I have been getting a lot of followers. 60 followers. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really really am impressed. I would like more and I know what you are thinking how could I want more. I want more so I can have reasons to have huge major contests and have a second coin contest.

I am a red belt on clubpenguin. I really want to be a ninja but it seems whenever I have time to play clubpenguin card jitsu stops working for me. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK so my pictures are back up and running. I really have not been doing cheats and I think I am going to start. I dont really like doing cheats that much so thats why I changed the sites name to coolio's clubpenguin fun FUN not CHEATS well so anyway I might have a contest for a cheat person later.

Wow this is a lot of writing! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all of you guys had a happy thanksgiving. I ate a lot. LOL! I was on vacation at the beach with my family and I had so much fun. I didnt get to post because there wasn't a computer there but I did manage to get on my aunts I-phone but i couldn't log into my blog from it. So sorry.

Hey I am wondering If I should get a chat at the bottom of this site? People really like the chats but sometimes people miss use them. I used to have a chat and no one really chatted on it. I guess maybe I will test it out and If no one chats on it I will delete it.

thats all for now



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